I am a theoretical and computational condensed matter physicist, currently working in the Van de Walle Computational Materials Group at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

I am a Staff Researcher (Senior Researcher) with the Photonics Theory Group at Tyndall National Institute, Ireland, on secondment at the University of California as a European Union Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow.

I am also a Research Fellow with the Irish Photonic Integration Centre.

My interests lie in materials theory and simulation, with a focus on developing:

  • Fundamental theoretical understanding of the properties of emerging semiconductor material systems, and
  • Models and software to enable multi-scale simulations of semiconductor materials and nanostructures for device applications.

The overarching theme of my research is to build key insights obtained from atomistic electronic structure calculations into atomistic and continuum empirical models, with the aim of enabling quantitative prediction of technologically-relevant properties in semiconductor materials and nanostructures.

My experience ranges from performing first principles calculations and analysis of fundamental material properties, through the derivation and parametrisation of empirical models for multi-scale simulations, software implementations of these models, and in silico design of semiconductor nanostructures for device applications.